- Dalton's law (of partial pressures)
- закон Дальтона (парціальних тисків)
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
Dalton's law of partial pressures — noun (chemistry and physics) law stating that the pressure exerted by a mixture of gases equals the sum of the partial pressures of the gases in the mixture; the pressure of a gas in a mixture equals the pressure it would exert if it occupied the … Useful english dictionary
law of partial pressures — noun (chemistry and physics) law stating that the pressure exerted by a mixture of gases equals the sum of the partial pressures of the gases in the mixture; the pressure of a gas in a mixture equals the pressure it would exert if it occupied the … Useful english dictionary
law of partial pressures — n a statement in physics and chemistry: the component of the total pressure contributed by each ingredient in a mixture of gases or vapors is equal to the pressure that it would exert if alone in the same enclosure called also Dalton s law … Medical dictionary
Dalton's law of partial pressure — n. Dalton s law, physical law that says that the total pressure used by a gaseous mixture equals to the sum of the partial pressures of gases if they alone were present (Law named after the famous English physicist John Dalton) … English contemporary dictionary
law of partial pressures — Physics, Chem. See Dalton s law. * * * … Universalium
Dalton's law — For the law of stoichiometry, see Law of multiple proportions. In chemistry and physics, Dalton s law (also called Dalton s law of partial pressures) states that the total pressure exerted by a gaseous mixture is equal to the sum of the partial… … Wikipedia
Dalton's law — Physics, Chem. the law that the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the gases of the mixture. Also called Dalton s law of partial pressures, law of partial pressures. [named after J.… … Universalium
Dalton's law — noun 1. (chemistry) law stating that when two elements can combine to form more than one compound the amounts of one of them that combines with a fixed amount of the other will exhibit a simple multiple relation • Syn: ↑law of multiple… … Useful english dictionary
Dalton's law — n LAW OF PARTIAL PRESSURES * * * Dal·ton s law (dawlґtənz) [John Dalton, English chemist and physicist, 1766–1844, the founder of the atomic theory] see under law … Medical dictionary
Dalton's law — n. Dalton s law of partial pressure, physical law that says that the total pressure used by a gaseous mixture equals to the sum of the partial pressures of gases if they alone were present (Law named after the famous English physicist John… … English contemporary dictionary
Dalton's law — noun a) the total pressure of a mixture or gases is the sum of the partial pressures of each gas in the mixture; it is only true for ideal gases b) when two elements can combine to form more than one compound then the amounts of one which… … Wiktionary